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Clarice AI: Where creativity meets efficiency, craft your thoughts into words with the power of AI!

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Clarice AI revolutionizes content creation by allowing users to craft original content with just a few clicks, reviewing spelling, grammar, and style all in one place. With over 50 templates and specialized training in Brazilian Portuguese, Clarice AI ensures content feels genuine and engaging.

It helps users write blog articles optimized for SEO 10 times faster, generate ideas, titles, and paragraphs based on chosen themes, and create 100% original, plagiarism-free content. Clarice AI also boosts social media game by producing months of unique, high-quality content in minutes, including Instagram captions, LinkedIn articles, and viral YouTube and TikTok scripts.

Users can get a leverage in advertising as well, it quickly writes persuasive copy, high-performing Facebook ads, and Google Ads titles and descriptions that increase conversions and reduce costs. It enhances email communication by generating professional, personalized emails with high open rates, memorable sales emails, and friendly responses to messages.

Clarice AI focuses on transforming product features into compelling benefits, crafting impactful headlines, and creating enchanting landing pages. The tool allows team members from around the world to collaborate in real-time, overcoming creative blocks and sparking new ideas.

With a free trial available, Clarice AI offers users a chance to boost their productivity and creativity, transforming their content creation process.

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Free Usage Policy7 Days Free Trial
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting R$49,90/month)
Tool Release Year2019
Founded byFelipe Iszlaji Ph.D, Murilo Silvestre, and Lucas Spreng
LocationSão Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Social media presence
Popularity Index9.0
Main FeaturesWeb content, blog posts, video scripts
Best Used ForA writing assistant

7 Days Free Trial

On a 7 days free trial you will get revision AI, editing AI, writing AI, 65+ templates and more.
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Paid Upgrade FromR$49,90/month

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