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Create job-winning resumes in minutes with Rezi AI. Smart, fast, and tailored to get you hired!

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Rezi is revolutionizing the way the world creates resumes with its smartest AI resume builder. Unlike any other platform, Rezi uses advanced AI to automate every aspect of creating a resume, writing, editing, formatting, and optimizing. It ensures that your resume and cover letter not only look professional but also meet the specific requirements of employers.

Creating a resume can be daunting, often taking weeks to find the right words. Rezi AI Writer simplifies this process by following best practices and understanding the skills and experience employers seek. This means you can complete your resume in minutes, not weeks. With access to 313 professional resume and cover letter examples, you’ll find samples that are 100% focused on content, making it easier than ever to craft a standout resume.

Rezi’s content-focused features are designed to get you hired. The platform’s ATS Keyword Targeting improves your chances of being selected for an interview by identifying and using targeted keywords. Real-Time Content Analysis helps you instantly identify common content errors like missing bullet points, buzzwords, and useful content. The Rezi Score evaluates your resume across 23 criteria points, providing a score from 1 to 100, so you know how well you’ve crafted your resume.

Beyond resume creation, Rezi makes it easy to stay organized and tackle any job application challenge. Its clear and simple design is perfect for managing multiple resumes and keeping track of your files. The newest resume template features attractive colors, clean lines, and high content density, recommended for all users.

And the best part? On a free plan, you can explore Rezi AI’s features and experience the ease and efficiency of creating a professional resume. Start with Rezi today and see how it can transform your job search journey, making it smoother and more successful.

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Free Usage PolicyFreemium
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $29/month)
Tool Release Year2015
Founded byJacob Jacquet
LocationSeoul-t'ukpyolsi, South Korea
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.5
Main FeaturesResume editor, Resume builder, Resume summery generator
Best Used ForAI Resume builder


On a free plan, you can explore Rezi AI’s features.
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Paid Upgrade From$29/month

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