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"Turn your ideas into fully customized songs with SongR—where your creativity meets music, and every tune is truly yours. Start creating now!"

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Songr AI offers an exciting and easy way to create personalized songs without requiring any musical expertise. With just three simple clicks, you can generate your own unique song, making it perfect for sharing on social media, entertaining friends and family, or sending special song gifts. Whether you’re looking to create a fun tune or a heartfelt melody, Songr AI’s powerful technology helps you craft the perfect song every time.

This all-in-one AI text-to-song transformer begins by generating custom lyrics from just a few keywords you provide. The AI then adds vocals and accompaniments, tailored to your chosen genre, creating a fully produced song that sounds professional. From upbeat pop hits to soft ballads, Songr AI gives you the flexibility to create songs in various styles, all based on your ideas.

Songr AI’s platform is user-friendly, allowing anyone to jump in and create a song in minutes. The Lyric Generator and Song Generator are both available on their free plan, giving you the ability to try out the service with no commitment. Whether for a special occasion, a social media post, or just for fun, Songr AI provides a simple and powerful tool to make your ideas come to life through music.

And the best part? With the free plan, you can start creating songs right away and explore the potential of this innovative AI tool. It’s a great way to experiment with music creation, even if you have no musical background.

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Free Usage Policy100% Free
Paid Upgrade Option? No
Tool Release Year2022
Founded byUnknown
LocationUnited States
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.5
Main FeaturesAI Lyric generator, AI Song generator
Best Used ForCreate your own fully customized songs

100% Free

On a free plan you will get Lyric Generator and Song Generator. 
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