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"Create stunning singing voices effortlessly with Acestudio AI—the AI voice generator for music that turns your ideas into melodies!"

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AceStudio AI is a professional AI singing voice generator that brings the future of music production to your fingertips. Whether you’re composing a new track, refining an existing one, or looking to experiment with different vocal styles, this platform provides everything you need to create studio-quality AI vocals from MIDI and lyrics.

With over 80 royalty-free AI singers available, you can choose from a wide range of vocal styles and languages, including English, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese. You can even explore celebrity voices, ensuring your music always sounds fresh and unique.

One of the standout features of AceStudio AI is its customizable AI singing voice model. You can upload your own vocal samples and train an AI model that mimics your distinctive timbre and style. This feature eliminates the need for traditional vocal sample splicing, offering a more natural-sounding result thanks to deep learning technology. For even more flexibility, the AI Creative Library gives you access to song templates, editable vocal samples, and a variety of voice models like pop, soul, and more.

AceStudio AI also offers advanced AI music tools like Stem Splitter and Vocal to MIDI, making it easier to extract and refine melodies and lyrics. The Voice Designer tool lets you create entirely new AI voices by blending existing ones, offering endless possibilities for unique vocal production. Additionally, advanced vocal editing tools allow you to control pitch, emotion, vibrato, and more, enabling you to craft the perfect vocal performance for your tracks.

And the best part? With the 14 day free trial, you can explore all of AceStudio AI’s features, including the ability to generate AI voices for your music, completely free. Try it out and take your music production to the next level!

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Free Usage Policy14 Days Free Trial
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $29/month)
Tool Release Year2023
Founded byJoe Jing Guo
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.7
Main FeaturesAI singing voice generator, AI Music
Best Used ForAI voice generator for music

14 Days Free Trial

On a 14 days free trial you can generate AI Voices for music.
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Paid Upgrade From$29/month

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