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14 Days Free Trial
Transform conversations into connections with Chatbot Builder Build AI Chatbot, where every interaction speaks volumes!

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Meet ChatBot Builder, the ultimate tool for crafting a personalized AI bot that’s as dynamic as users business! It is a virtual assistant that’s not just quick on the draw, but also armed with the knowledge to tackle any customer query head-on.

With ChatBot Builder, users can delve into their support documents and conversations to gather insights for quick responses.If they have sales data stored in their CRM, ChatBot Builder analyzes it to offer personalized suggestions, transforming casual visitors into eager buyers.

Say goodbye to sifting through endless PDFs and websites for information.ChatBot Builder does the heavy lifting, by extracting key info to deliver comprehensive and spot on answers to customer inquiries.

They’re not just about providing support; they’re about providing the best support possible. That’s why their platform is designed to be flexible, allowing them to customize their bot to fit their  users unique business needs.It’s like having a tireless team member who’s always on call, ready to impress their customers with top-notch service.

Users can try it out with their 14-day free trial! They’ll get their hands on up to 5 workflows, send up to 3,000 messages per month, all without spending a dime.

Quick View

Free Usage Policy14 Days Free Trial
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $25/month)
Tool Release Year2023
Founded byUnknown
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.5
Main FeaturesLead Generation, Customer service insight
Best Used ForBuild your own AI bot

14 Days Free Trial

On a 14 days free trial you can create up to 5 workflows, Send up to 3,000 messages per month and more.
Credit Card Required?
Phone Number Required?
Paid Upgrade From$25/month

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