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Host unforgettable webinars and workshops effortlessly with Sessions—your AI-powered copilot for seamless creation, management, and engagement.

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Sessions AI is your ultimate AI-powered copilot for creating and managing engaging webinars and workshops effortlessly. Say goodbye to tedious planning and hello to exceptional content and seamless management. With Sessions AI, you can drive engagement and achieve results faster than ever before.

One of the standout features of Sessions AI is its AI-assisted Agenda Builder. This tool allows you to generate agenda drafts in seconds by simply inputting your topic. The AI copilot takes it from there, crafting a well-structured agenda that you can then edit to suit your needs. If the initial suggestion doesn’t hit the mark, you can easily generate new ideas with another click, saving you time and sparking creativity.

Sessions AI also offers automated transcripts that eliminate the need for manual note-taking. These transcripts are accurate and organized, with time stamps and speaker names clearly indicated. You won’t miss a single detail from your sessions, and everything is neatly arranged for easy reference.

Sessions AI provides smart summaries that capture key points and action items from your sessions. These AI-generated summaries ensure that everyone stays informed and on the same page, improving follow-up and retention with clear, concise notes. Easily share these summaries with participants and stakeholders to keep them updated and engaged.

And the best part? Experience the power of Sessions AI with a 10 day free trial, which includes access to transcriptions, summaries, and the AI agenda builder. Try it out and see how this innovative tool can transform your session planning and management!

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Free Usage Policy10 Days free trial
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $24/month)
Tool Release Year2020
Founded byRadu Negulescu
LocationNew York, United States
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.7
Main FeaturesAutomated transcripts, AI summaries
Best Used ForCreate and manage stand-out webinars and workshops with your AI-powered copilot.

10 Days free trial

On a 10-day free trial, you will get transcriptions, a summerizer, and an AI agenda builder to try.    
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Paid Upgrade From$24/month

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