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Let Vidyard's AI avatars turn prospects into partners with personalized sales videos that speak directly to their needs!

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Vidyard is a revolutionary tool that transforms personalized sales video creation with hyper realistic AI avatars. With Vidyard AI Avatars, crafting engaging and personalized messages for prospects becomes effortless.They enable users to generate human-touch videos from a simple written script, facilitating seamless communication with any prospect.

Users can choose from a range of high quality pre-recorded avatars or create a custom AI avatar that resembles and sounds just like them.Vidyard empowers users to engage prospects with personalized video messages increasing responses and booking more meetings.They also provide real time insights into viewer engagement through view notifications and video analytics.

With Vidyard’s text-to-video technology, users can generate AI videos in over 25 languages, catering to a global audience with ease.Vidyard’s browser extension integration simplifies the creation of personalized videos directly from the browser, enabling users to share their AI-generated videos anywhere they need to communicate better with prospects and customers.

Vidyard offers a free plan that includes access to AI avatars, video editing, an AI script generator, 25 videos in their library, and more.

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Free Usage PolicyFreemium
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $29/month)
Tool Release Year2011
Founded byDevon Galloway, Edward Wu, Michael Litt
LocationKitchener, Ontario, Canada
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.5
Main FeaturesAI Avatar, Text to video, AI Script Generator
Best Used ForCreate Personalized Sales Videos with AI Avatars


On a free plan, you will get AI avatars, video editing, an AI script generator, 25 videos in your library, and more.
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Paid Upgrade From$29/month

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