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"Factiverse AI Text Editor: Your smart companion for perfect writing—edit, refine, and create effortlessly with the power of AI!"

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Factiverse is revolutionizing how organizations ensure accuracy and credibility in their content. Designed to combat misinformation and enhance trust, Factiverse uses cutting-edge AI to automate fact-checking and research tasks, protecting businesses from the risks of errors, bias, and inaccuracies. Whether you’re a consultant, compliance analyst, editor, or researcher, Factiverse is your backbone for credibility, helping you verify facts, detect misinformation, and promote accurate communication effortlessly.

With Factiverse, you can access credible sources tailored precisely to your search queries. Its meta-search capabilities tap into multiple databases, including over 200 million scientific articles, 330,000 fact-checks, and trusted platforms like Google, Bing, and Semantic Scholar. Unlike traditional searches, Factiverse prioritizes reliable references, avoiding SEO or paid results to provide actionable insights on complex topics like business, climate, geopolitics, and more.

Factiverse also serves as a misinformation shield for your organization. It identifies errors in text, reports, news, and even video content with dialogue, allowing you to mitigate legal, financial, and reputational risks. Its innovative AI Editor scans content in over 100 languages, extracts crucial claims, and ranks sources based on credibility in real time. This saves countless hours, turning tedious fact-checking into a matter of seconds.

Built on a foundation of Norwegian university research and supported by awards and peer-reviewed studies, Factiverse’s patented technology stands out as a trusted and innovative solution. It has even outperformed leading models like GPT-4 in specialized fact-verification tasks, setting a new standard for accuracy.

And the best part? Try the Factiverse AI Editor with a 14-day free trial and experience how it can safeguard your content and transform your organization’s information management.

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Free Usage Policy14 Days Free Trial
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting €10/month)
Tool Release Year2019
Founded byMaria Amelie, Vinay Setty
LocationStavanger, Rogaland, Norway
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.5
Main FeaturesAI Editor, Writing assistants, AI Content Detection
Best Used ForFind factual mistakes in AI-generated content

14 Days Free Trial

On a 14 days free trial you can try Factiverse AI Editor.
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Paid Upgrade From€10/month

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