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Turn your podcast into a powerhouse with Podsqueeze—transforming your content into clips, notes, blogs, and beyond!

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Welcome to PodsQueeze! The ultimate solution for revolutionizing podcast content creation! They effortlessly transform podcast episodes into engaging content with just one click. With PodsQueeze, the possibilities are endless!

Say goodbye to tedious manual transcription tasks because PodsQueeze automates the process, delivering professional transcripts along with SRT files for captions and subtitles. Plus, with show notes summarizing key topics covered in each episode, content becomes more searchable and accessible to eager listeners.

But wait, there’s more! PodsQueeze lets users create chapters with timestamps, guiding the audience to specific segments of episodes for a seamless listening experience. They boost podcast SEO and engagement with catchy titles generated effortlessly by their AI.

PodsQueeze also simplifies social media and blog posting with automated generation of posts and newsletters, ensuring podcasts reach new listeners everywhere.

The cherry on top? AI-powered episode clips and audiograms! Select the desired chapter, and PodsQueeze generates captivating video clips or audiograms, perfect for sharing on social media and captivating the audience.

Whether users are solo podcasters, podcast managers, or agencies, PodsQueeze has them covered. They can organize content with ease, share it effortlessly with clients and teams, and even customize AI voices for each show managed. Plus, their advanced podcast topics finder helps plan future episodes with precision.

Start the PodsQueeze journey today with their free plan! Experience the power of automated content creation for podcasts with no commitments. On a free plan, users get 50 minutes of podcast time per month, 1 video clip, unlimited quote images, and more.

Sign up now and discover how PodsQueeze can elevate podcasting games!

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Free Usage PolicyFreemium
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $15/month)
Tool Release Year2023
Founded byTiago Ferreira
LocationLisboa, PT
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.2
Main FeaturesTranscript Generator, Subtitles Generator, Description Generator and more
Best Used ForRepurpose your podcast into clips, shownotes, blog and more


On a free plan you will get 50 mins of podcast time per month, 1 video clip, unlimited quote images and more.
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Paid Upgrade From$15/month

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