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Discover Uberduck, where everyday tools become extraordinary. It's not just tools; it's about making things amazing. Why use regular when you can use Uberduck? Uberduck keeps things easy, turning hard stuff into a

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Embark on a musical journey like never before with Uberduck’s AI Vocals, designed for musicians, creative agencies, and coding enthusiasts. Trusted by industry icons, Uberduck offers an innovative platform to elevate your music creation process.

Craft your unique sound effortlessly with Uberduck’s AI vocals. Explore curated beats, generate soulful lyrics, choose a voice, and download your creation. Make your mark in the music world with ease. Create a dope rap song that reflects your distinct style; Uberduck makes it simple and impactful.

Discover musical marvels with sample tracks like “Hamlet Rap,” a fusion of classic literature and modern beats, or explore the groundbreaking Grimes AI collaboration tracks such as “Born to Destroy,” pushing the boundaries of creative expression.

Uberduck’s toolkit offers a range of features, from Uberduck Text to Voice and API Access to Voice Cloning and Voice to Voice, providing limitless possibilities for your musical journey.

And here’s the exciting part: try Uberduck’s non-commercial use plan for free! Benefit from private voice access and receive 300 render credits per month, allowing you to explore the full potential of AI vocals without any financial commitment. Revolutionize your music creation process with Uberduck and experience the fusion of innovation and musical magic.

Quick View

Free Usage PolicyFreemium
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $9.99/month)
Tool Release Year2021
Founded byZach Ocean
LocationSeattle, Washington, United States
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.5
Main FeaturesText to speech, Voice to Voice, Rap Generator
Best Used ForMake Music With AI Vocals


On a free “forever” plan you will get private voice access with 300 render credits per month.
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Paid Upgrade From$9.99/month

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