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Localize your videos instantly with JimakuAI! Break language barriers and reach a global audience effortlessly with our seamless video localization tool.

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Jimaku AI makes video localization easy and precise, helping you connect with English and Japanese audiences effortlessly. This innovative tool specializes in translating and adding subtitles to your videos with frame-accurate accuracy, ensuring your content resonates with viewers in both languages.

Getting started with Jimaku AI is a breeze. Simply upload your video in either Japanese or English, and then select your target language. The AI-powered translator will generate subtitles that are perfectly synced with your video’s visuals, making sure the translations are both accurate and contextually fitting. This feature is particularly valuable for creators, businesses, and educators who want to expand their reach and make their content accessible to a broader audience.

Jimaku AI is designed to be user-friendly and effective, offering a straightforward way to break down language barriers and enhance your content’s global appeal. With its focus on delivering high-quality, context-aware subtitles, Jimaku AI helps maintain the meaning and impact of your original message.

And the best part? They offer a free plan in which you get 30 minutes of total usage each month. This allows you to explore Jimaku AI’s capabilities and create subtitles for your videos without any cost. Experience how Jimaku AI can elevate your content and connect with audiences around the world by taking advantage of this free trial.

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Free Usage PolicyFreemium
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $10/month)
Tool Release Year2023
Founded byJayson Cunanan
LocationTokyo, Japan
Social media presence
Popularity Index9.0
Main Features Translate, Captions or Subtitle, Speech-to-Text, Transcription
Best Used ForLocalize your videos instantly with AI


On a free plan, you will get 30 minutes of total usage monthly, subtitles for your videos, and more.
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Paid Upgrade From$10/month
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