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14 Days Free Trial
Build apps like a pro, no coding needed! Knack AI App Builder lets you create powerful, custom apps in minutes—bringing your ideas to life effortlessly.

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Transform the way you create apps with Knack, an innovative AI-powered tool that makes app development faster and more efficient. With Knack, you can build your app quickly by simply providing a few sentences about your goals and data requirements. This approach saves you hours of manual setup and allows you to focus on customizing your app to fit your needs.

Knack simplifies the app-building process with its automated features. It takes the hassle out of setting up database tables by generating them based on your high-level data requirements. The AI also accelerates field creation within tables, adapting to your specific data needs and ensuring your app is equipped to handle your information effectively. Building complex data relationships, such as parent/child or many-to-many connections, is made easy with Knack’s automated tools, which streamline these often daunting tasks.

Additionally, Knack helps you start with a solid foundation by auto-generating sample data. This gives you a feel for your app’s functionality and accelerates development and adoption. The platform also offers instant page construction, allowing you to create fully responsive pages with dynamic forms and inline-edit capabilities, so you can update and manage data directly within cells.

Knack’s grid generation feature provides a clear visualization of related data, making it easy to connect customers with their orders and more. Automatic button creation further enhances navigation between pages, simplifying common tasks and improving user experience.

And teh best part? You can experience the benefits of Knack’s AI App Builder with a 14 day free trial. This trial allows you to build a no-code app and explore the tool’s capabilities, giving you valuable insights into how it can streamline your app development process. With Knack, you’ll gain precious time to focus on crafting the unique workflows that will set your app apart and meet your business needs.

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Free Usage Policy14 Days Free Trial
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $49/month)
Tool Release Year2010
Founded byBrandon Griggs, Eric Katherman, Michael Boyle
LocationPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.5
Main FeaturesAI App, No Code
Best Used ForBuild Your App with AI

14 Days Free Trial

On a 14 days free trial you can build a no code app to try out knack.
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Paid Upgrade From$49/month

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