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"Transform your app with's AI Assistant—an easy, fast text editor with smart pre-written prompts for effortless, creative writing!"

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TinyMCE brings AI Assistant to your app, providing an easy and fast way to enhance writing with pre-written prompts. This plugin helps users write better, faster, and more creatively by integrating AI-powered writing tools directly into your app. Whether you’re using OpenAI, Microsoft Azure, AWS, or Google AI services, TinyMCE’s solution allows for full customization with your own API key.

The AI Assistant can automate tasks like summarizing, translating, simplifying, and even altering the tone of your text. It’s built to tackle writer’s block, speed up first drafts, and improve readability. The pre-written prompts are designed to help users, particularly beginners, get the most useful responses from the AI. Additionally, you can customize these prompts or allow users to create their own.

With a familiar UI, the integration doesn’t disrupt the user experience, making it a seamless part of your content creation workflow. It’s simple to set up and doesn’t require extra AI development work, reducing technical burdens. Whether you need a flexible AI solution or a tool to prime the AI model for specific needs, TinyMCE ensures you can scale and adapt it as your app grows.

And the best part? On a free plan, you can get 1,000 editor loads per month, providing ample opportunities to try out and integrate AI-powered writing tools.

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Free Usage PolicyFreemium
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $80/month)
Tool Release Year1999
Founded byAndrew Roberts, Bill Roberts, Joakim Lindkvist
LocationPalo Alto, California, United States
Social media presence
Popularity Index9.0
Main FeaturesAI Assistant, text editor
Best Used ForEasier, faster writing


On a free plan you 1,000 editor loads per month and more.
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Paid Upgrade From$80/month

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