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Idict: Clone your voice, translate your thoughts—seamlessly bridging languages with one powerful app! Speak and understand any language effortlessly.

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idict is an innovative app that makes communication across languages seamless and easy. Whether you’re traveling, working, or simply connecting with people from different cultures, idict is designed to help you overcome language barriers effortlessly. Powered by advanced machine learning algorithms, it offers accurate, real-time translations, ensuring that your conversations flow naturally.

One of idict’s standout features is its photo-text translation. With this, you can simply take a picture of text, and the app will translate it instantly, making it perfect for signs, menus, or documents. The app also supports dialects and regional accents, ensuring that translations are accurate no matter where you are. Object detection is another unique feature that allows users to snap a picture of an object or scene and instantly receive relevant information about it.

For those who need to hear the correct pronunciation, idict includes audio pronunciations in multiple languages, helping you learn how to say words correctly. The AI Assistant is another helpful tool within the app—it answers your questions in 72 languages, making it a versatile companion for any situation. Plus, with offline translation, you can download language packs ahead of time, ensuring you can translate even without an internet connection.

And the best part? idict offers a 7-day free trial that includes access to features like photo translation, handwriting recognition, and more. It’s the perfect opportunity to explore how idict can improve your communication and translation experience.

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Free Usage Policy7 Days Free Trial
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $6.99/month)
Tool Release Year2022
Founded byAmado Gonzalez and Grigory J.
LocationHuston, TX
Social media presence
Popularity Index9.0
Main FeaturesVoice cloning, Translations
Best Used ForPowerful voice clone translate app

7 Days Free Trial

On a 7 days free trial you will get Photo translate, Handwriting and more
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Paid Upgrade From$6.99/month

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