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" Build stunning websites without code, fast and easy. You can transform your ideas and style into reality in a matter of minutes.

Explore more free AI tools in the same category: is a visual, no-code website builder that enables you to create websites from any device, whether it’s your phone, tablet, or computer. With a drag-and-drop interface, you can easily arrange blocks to construct your site without the need for HTML or CSS coding. Whether you’re building an online store, portfolio, blog, or event page, Universe provides a user-friendly platform that makes website creation fun, fast, and easy.

You can start with pre-designed templates or build from scratch using AI-generated website elements in minutes. The platform offers a range of professional templates to choose from, or you can create a custom design to suit your needs. With its simple drag-and-drop editor, you’ll have full control over your website’s layout, ensuring a seamless building experience with instant previews.

For businesses, Universe offers eCommerce features to sell physical and digital products. Simply add a sell block to start selling, along with perks like discounted shipping labels to streamline your business operations.

Additionally, Universe comes with built-in analytics and powerful integrations to help you track site traffic, grow your mailing list, and run targeted ads across popular social media platforms.

And the best part? On the free plan, you can launch your website without any upfront costs, making it a perfect solution for individuals and businesses looking to create professional sites without the need for coding.

Quick View

Free Usage PolicyFreemium
Paid Upgrade Option? Yes (starting $12/month)
Tool Release Year2014
Founded byUnknown
LocationBrooklyn, New York
Social media presence
Popularity Index8.7
Main FeaturesAI Website Builder
Best Used Forno-code website builder


On a free plan you can launch your website for free.
Credit Card Required?
Phone Number Required?
Paid Upgrade From$12/month

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